FRAUD ALERT: If You Paid Your Taxes Online, Don’t Get Fooled by Fake IRS Email

by Better Business Bureau

Red triangular other dangers warning sign on white

Pay your taxes online this year? Scammers are hoping to grab the attention of the many Americans who filed electronically. Watch your inbox for this latest round of phishing scams that poses as an IRS email.

How the Scam Works:

You receive an email saying your federal tax bank transfer failed. It appears to come from the Internal Revenue Service, but look closely at the “From” line, and you will see another email address.

The email gives a fake account number and urges you to check out the attached file, supposedly a Word Document explaining the details of the failed transfer. But of course, the file is really a virus.

Your income tax transfer didn’t fail.  It’s just a scam.

The scammers behind this con are even craftier than usually. Some consumers have reported  receiving a follow up email with the subject line “SECOND NOTICE: Your IRS federal tax bank transfer is cancelled.”

I Think I’ve Found a Scam. What Should I Do?

  • As always, don’t click any attachments or links. If you did download the file, be sure to run a virus scan on your computer.
  • If you receive the above message or any suspicious email posing as the IRS, forward the message to . 

For More Information:

Check out the IRS website for examples of common phishing scams using the IRS name and tips for dealing with them.


The BBB is dedicated to fostering honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers in the U.S. and Canada, instilling consumer confidence and contributing to a trustworthy marketplace for all.