The Boston and Texas tragedies remind us that when disaster strikes, we are not always prepared to deal with the magnitude of the chaotic wake that follows such events in our communities … Continue Reading
by Robin Slade
The Boston and Texas tragedies remind us that when disaster strikes, we are not always prepared to deal with the magnitude of the chaotic wake that follows such events in our communities … Continue Reading
by Debra N. Diener J.D. CIPP G
I was at my local Post Office where a very eye-catching brochure caught my attention. Turns out, it’s a very informative brochure with tips compiled by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in partnership with AARP. The brochure is well done both visually and substantively. The brochure’s theme pops out due to great graphics, the bold purple cover and the words blazoned on the cover. The cover says “If You Have To Send $250 To Claim Your Prize Odds Are It’s A Scam — Don’t Risk It”. … Continue Reading
by Debra N. Diener J.D. CIPP G
We all know the adage “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is”. The “free” gift card scams fall right into that category. These scams aren’t new but just keep appearing in slightly different variations.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is very serious about fighting scams aimed at consumers. So it was no surprise, but was most welcome news, to read that the FTC has just filed 8 different complaints against 29 defendants in U.S. District Courts around the country . … Continue Reading
A good friend of mine called me recently to ask what I knew about scams from online sales. He had placed an ad on CraigsList for something he was trying to sell and had asked for $150 for the item. He had received a call from a woman and she offered to send him a check for the item. … Continue Reading
by Denise Richardson
They show up in your text or e-mail inbox, messages with a subject line that reads, “You have received a Valentine’s card” or “Your sweetheart has sent you a Valentine’s Day greeting.” Some may even indicate that, “The flowers you ordered for your sweetie won’t be delivered unless you log in and re-enter your credit card information.” But look out, Cupid. With February 14th fast approaching, you need to be on the alert for text and spam e-mails that are anything but romantic! … Continue Reading
by Robin Slade
The Boston and Texas tragedies remind us that when disaster strikes, we are not always prepared to deal with the magnitude of the chaotic wake that follows such events in our communities … Continue Reading